RAW aired on the USA Network in the United States as a sixty-minute program. It got shifted to TNN/Spike TV in February 1997 and was again shifted to the USA Network in 2005, where it airs currently.
The And New! Wrestling podcast spent an hour pouring through the rosters of Raw, SmackDown and NXT and went to work in reshaping the landscape for 2025. KD Drummond is an old-school, NWA-over-WWF ...
Barrett and Tessitore moved to SmackDown, while Cole and McAfee made up Netflix's RAW commentating team ... which ran from 2005-09. His WWE career began in 20011, signing with their Florida ...
He’s still got the whole wide world in his hands, and those hands will follow his legacy faction from WWE RAW to Smackdown in 2025. Though the incomparable Windham Lawrence Rotunda, a.k.a. Bray ...