Clem Sturmfels, Land Management Extension OfficerIsolated dust storms recently are a reminder of how fragile some of our soils are.They are also a ...
Recent heavy rains have caused widespread crusting problems for producers who grow wheat, barley or oats. David Franzen, North Dakota State Extension soil scientist, summarized the options ...
Livestock manure has seen a rebirth from a livestock waste product to a valued commodity for our modern-day crop systems. Livestock manure has been a valuable natural fertilizer for crop and food ...
Various organic matter sources can be used to enhance soil health. Common options include compost, aged leaves, well-rotted hay or silage, peat moss, composted manure, green cover crops, and untreated ...
Meanwhile, the stabilization of microbial necromass by soil aggregates and minerals enhances SOC stability. However, the physical and chemical protection provided by soil aggregates and minerals ...
AASHTO T310-22 In-Place Density and Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) Gauges without a source will be used during the performance testing Nev. T335H-20 ...