Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the first project in the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog series since the Knuckles spinoff show, but the third film proves a harsh reality about the red echidna's series.
At the Sac Gamers Expo 2024 during a December 15 panel with David Humphrey (the voice of Shadow) and Ryan Drummond (the voice of Sonic) celebrating the anniversary of Sonic Heroes, Dreier says the ...
While the movie does feature a small nod to the show, it does so in a way that won’t confuse anyone that has only seen the first two Sonic movies. Knuckles and wade whipple in the knuckles ...
Gibbs and Montgomery, though, have a more specific nickname. The two are going by "Sonic and Knuckles," a modern nickname for a modern running back room. Here is how Gibbs and Montgomery got their ...
Of course, given his grand appearance in Sonic the ... The Knuckles TV series with Knucles (Idris Elba) and Wade (Adam Pally) featured Agent Stone (Lee Majdoub) in the show, so a series following ...