Horseshoe crabs are often referred to as the "living fossils" of our planet—the four known species, including three in Asia and one in North America, remain nearly identical to their ancient relatives ...
Each spring along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, horseshoe crabs lay their eggs in massive beach spawning events ... a shorebird species that feeds on horseshoe crab eggs during its 19,000-mile ...
Invasive species can ... eat 'em up. Blue crabs are native to the coasts of North and South America, but in recent years, ...
The researchers said the most-studied species is the Atlantic horse­shoe crab, which can be found along ... The islands and seas that now make up South-east Asia are part of the Sunda shelf ...
the species, he says, is “an exemplary invader, a perfect invader.” European green crabs originally hail from the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the southwestern Baltic Sea. Roman ticked off ...