Spartan wearing a Corinthian helmet and wrapped in a cape. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut Photograph by Bridgeman/AC Each soldier would carry 20 days worth of provisions ...
Little did Leonidas know that over 2,500 years later, "Molon Lave" would be used as a global marketing tool -from weapons to ...
Under instructions from the Spartan king, Cleomenes, the first task of the new government was to banish Cleisthenes' most powerful allies. Altogether over 700 households were brutally cast out of ...
Spartan soldiers wore red cloaks, so bloodstains wouldn't show up. They also grew their hair long and would comb it before going into battle. Fighting wars was what the Spartans did best.
The hopeless but ultimately inspiring defense of their country by a band of 300 Spartan soldiers against an immense army of Persian invaders in 480 B.C. – known to history as the Battle of ...
Spartan soldiers wore red cloaks, so bloodstains wouldn't show up. They also grew their hair long and would comb it before going into battle. Fighting wars was what the Spartans did best.
Add to that the SR-18 Roadblock heavy armor, consisting of a Spartan-style crested helmet and beefy pauldrons, and you can kit yourself out like a tanky, hellenic super-soldier of the future.
It's the story of a squad of heroic Spartan soldiers, and their final stand on planet Reach, humanity's last line of defense between the terrifying Covenant and Earth. We look at the new weapons ...