"Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is swinging to screens this month on Disney+! The new, 10-episode animated series from Marvel Animation follows Peter Parker on his journey to become a hero.
This week, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 emerged at #1 in the domestic box office chart. It crossed the $100 million mark a few days back and is now already after the domestic totals of Venom: The Last ...
Spider-Man, but married with kids? Batman, but with his mom still alive? Yes and yes. DC meets Game of Thrones? DC heroes in the Wild West or Victorian Age Metropolis? Sure, why not? Readers ...
On Dec. 25, KH Studio released another concept video for Black Panther 3, this time starring Denzel Washington. The video starts with the scene where T’Challa Jr. was introduced in the last film.