After the preschool years, kids still like cartoons, but they want something more complex than straightforward messages about friendship and sharing. They like a bit of conflict, some bad guys (who ...
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It happens. But you can do a few things to make body odor go away. Shower at least once a day, and you'll wash away sweat and get rid of some of the bacteria on your skin. Sweat by itself is ...
She posted: "[Put] Dishwashing liquid in the toilet tank compartment and every flush is fresh clean smelly bubbles and toilet always looks clean." While many thought it was a brilliant idea and ...
KANSAS — The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is looking into odor complaints in Galena. A team from KDHE came to Galena Wednesday to further examine and monitor the situation.
This smart toilet is armed to the teeth with features such as an integrated jet water bidet, which eliminates the need to ever buy toilet paper again, giving it an ecological and sanitarian edge.
Garlic — smelly, pungent, “Nosferatu” repellent — needs no help being heavy-handed. But tell that to Nancy Stewart, who’s upping the bulb’s ante again when the 26th annual South ...
People lined up to see—and smell—the blossoms of two pungent plant species, which only bloom for a short time every few years Sara Hashemi Daily Correspondent An Amorphophallus gigas plant ...
A very rare and very stinky plant was drawing long lines in Brooklyn this weekend as locals sought to get a whiff of the flower dubbed "Smelliot” by staff at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Putricia the big stinky corpse flower which bloomed at the botanic gardens in Sydney on Thursday has been visited by almost 20,000 people. Almost a million more have followed the plant's journey ...
A giant foul-smelling flower that has become an unlikely internet darling has finally begun to bloom - and its rotting flesh-like odour has not been enough to deter its many fans. The corpse ...