Agatha: Based on renowned crime writer Agatha Christie’s disappearance in Harrogate's Old Swan Hotel, the 1979 film starred Vanessa Redgrave, Dustin Hoffman and Timothy Dalton and was filmed largely ...
Parents need to know that Monster Summer is a 1980s/'90s-style teen horror ... But there are also themes of perseverance and curiosity, as well as clear messages about the importance of friendship and ...
The Oz theme was chosen because the classic “The Wizard of Oz” recently celebrated its 85th anniversary. Also, the film “Wicked,” which was released in November, is now the first movie ...
The setting is Camp Firewood, the year 1981. It's the last day before everyone goes back to the real world, but there's still a summer's worth of unfinished business to resolve. At the center of ...