After battling four different types of cancer in the past three and a half years, Dick Vitale will return to broadcasting on Saturday.
Storyteller Greg Marshall is bringing his one-person show to Milwaukee's Vivarium later this month. "Pop Out of the Trees" is coming to Vivarium on February 15.
Technology helps in many ways, but the training, skills, and artistic ability of an experienced cosmetic dentist are key in ...
Schematic depicting the involvement of regional sympathetic nerves in the mediation of pain in early-stage TMJ-OA. GA, UNITED STATES, Febru ...
Four duck hunters attempted to deceive Texas Game Wardens over the number of ducks they shot before three of them from ...
Most oral health issues begin with early symptoms such as sensitivity, gum or toothache. If these signs are ignored, they can ...
中国AI企业DeepSeek横空出世,引发港股科技股春节期间狂飙,根据wind数据,1月28日-2月4日期间,港股通科技指数涨超6.4%,显示出强劲的市场劲头。今日开盘,港股科技ETF(513020)大涨超5%。银河证券表示,DeepSeek通过算法 ...
If you spend any time hunched over your phone or your computer or constantly holding tension through your shoulders or jaw, ...
My laser is as essential as my loupes or handpiece, and I can’t live without them’ – why forward-thinking dentists invest in ...
From teeth grinding to inflammation in the gums, the impact of stress and anxiety on oral health is worth taking note of ...
TMJ4’s Susan Kim was inducted into the Wisconsin Silver Circle on Sunday. Kim was among nine people inducted this weekend, ...
The US president has urged oil-producing nations to "bring down" oil prices as a way of putting pressure on Russia to end the ...