TVB 2024年所有剧集都已经播完了,今年收视最好的剧集又是哪几部呢?我们一起来看看。 第五位:法证先锋6之幸存者的救赎 虽然《法证先锋》系列后面三部已经烂到没法看,但这个招牌的影响力还是在的,还是不少人愿意为情怀买单。 这些人一边吐槽《法证6》是“洗衣房先锋”,一边又为它不断增加点击率和收视率,导致这部剧居然排在了年度第五。 投资方看见《法证先锋》这个招牌还有钱挣,相信很快就会开拍第七部了。
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For example the Hulu series “Shogun,” which won 18 Emmys, demonstrated a successful collaboration between Japanese and ...
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Yes, as in that not-so-random ad that started playing on your Facebook feed that turned out to be a mini series that got us seated. In case you've been busy having the time of your life offline, we're ...