Here’s how to watch Tarantino’s filmography in order of release: While we’ve primarily focused on movies Tarantino directed, we’ve also included a few projects he was heavily involved in.
The crux of the change for Tarantino is that the experience of theater is still unsullied, whereas with movies, people are on ...
According to the auteur, it’s R.I.P. for Hollywood as a whole. Tarantino said during the Sundance Film Festival (via Variety) that the definition of films has changed since the pandemic.
Fans anticipating Quentin Tarantino‘s final movie may have to wait a bit longer. The filmmaker confirmed that he is not in a rush to shoot a film and has instead been focused on writing and ...
This is the Tarantino film with the highest stakes: Brad Pitt’s ragtag group of Nazi-killin’ commandos ... Master of the Pan Flute,” available for $19.98 by credit card phone order and pointedly not ...
Credit: Getty Images Quentin Tarantino is not very happy with the movie industry at the moment. In a recent talk at Sundance Film Festival, the legendary director said that theatrical releases ...
Quentin Tarantino has been raging about the current state of movies, claiming the industry died in 2019, and the situation has only got worse since. The movies have been in flux for the last few ...
We’ve long known that Quentin Tarantino has imposed a 10-movie limit on himself, claiming that he plans to retire after directing his next picture, whatever that picture will be. But while ...
Quentin Tarantino is not very happy with the movie industry at the moment. In a recent talk at Sundance Film Festival, the legendary director said that theatrical releases have gotten "drastically ...
Quentin Tarantino is making equal space for being a dad and an iconic movie director, he told an audience at the Sundance Film Festival on Monday. Tarantino flew to Utah from Israel for a single ...
Quentin Tarantino knows more about movies than just about anyone else alive. The Pulp Fiction director said cinema ended a few years ago. He made some salient points, even if they were not ...