The quality of animation still stands the test of time. Directed by Koichi Sasaki and Ram Mohan, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama explores themes of relationships, duty, and the triumph of good ove ...
Kaley Cuoco shares highlights from her first Disneyland trip with nearly 2-year-old daughter Matilda. Joined by fiancé Tom Pelphrey, the actress calls the day 'unforgettable,' saying on Instagram it ...
Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival just days after Trump clarified his Make America Great Again agenda, Sophie Hyde’s “Jimpa” is a film about progress, not going back. Inspired by lessons of ...
“Omaha” follows a recently widowed father (John Magaro), who takes his two children (Molly Belle Wright, Wyatt Solis) on a road trip from Hawthorne, Nevada, to Omaha, Nebraska, in a last-ditch effort ...
Sundance: Amanda Kramer's latest work literalizes the concept of female objectification by imagining how different a woman's life would be as a piece of prized furniture. “Who appreciates Camille as ...