(1968) pioneered field emission scanning transmission electron microscopy research, combining the advantages of the scanning electron ... This research will help us better understand the pathogenesis ...
The efforts of microscopists have given aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy the power to reveal atomic structures with unprecedented precision. It is now up to materials ...
Electron microscopy uses a beam of electrons to illuminate a sample and achieve much higher spatial resolution than light microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy generates an image of the ...
When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when you’ve got a scanning electron microscope, everything must look like a sample that would be really, really interesting ...
Here, we report the mapping of optical modes in a waveguide structure by illumination with femtosecond light pulses in a continuous-beam transmission electron microscope. Multiphoton photoemission ...
The new research reveals a novel mechanism for signal transmission in brain cells and helps answer an open question in neuroscience about how intracellular signals travel over long distances in ...
Our biceps and our brain cells may have more in common than ... Saalfeld alerted Lippincott-Schwartz to high-resolution 3D electron microscopy images of neurons in the fly brain where the ER ...
The diagram below shows the same plant cell, as viewed with the light microscope, and with the transmission electron microscope. Animal and plant cells have certain structures in common.