For decades, scientists have wondered about what happens during the so-called lost years between when tiny hatchlings leave ...
Young sea turtles actively swim and choose their paths instead of drifting. New satellite tracking reveals their movements.
Female sea turtles lay their eggs on Florida beaches to protect their offspring. But stronger hurricanes are now threatening ...
Animal care experts at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher have been taking care of some new temporary residents that ...
In a moment of triumph for marine conservation, Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) successfully released six rehabilitated sea ...
Scientists have used satellite trackers to shed light on the “lost years” of young sea turtles, a period previously shrouded ...
In a new study, biology researchers from the College of Sciences’ UCF Marine Turtle Research Group studied the dispersal ...
What the researchers found challenged many old ideas. Scientists long thought that tiny turtles drifted passively with ocean currents, literally going with the flow. “What we’ve uncovered is ...
THE owner of a hedgehog rescue has faced some prickly situations in her time but saving the life of a rare green turtle – who normally lives thousands of miles away from Irish shores – ...