A homeless woman finds an eight-year-old Eritrean boy sobbing in front of her shelter. Together, they embark on an emotional journey to locate his mother in Paris.
每年都有许多天文现象吸引了人们的目光,而其中流星雨无疑是最让人期待的天文盛宴之一。2025年的第一场流星雨——象限仪座流星雨,即将于今晚23点迎来极大时刻,在这浩瀚的星空中,每小时将有超过100颗流星划过天际。无论是情侣、朋友,还是独自一人,这都是一 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
题图上启动界面UI故意做成了随机大小写的样子,突出个SAN值不稳定。 其实2024年我一共做了两个项目。一个是《三相奇谈》,还一个比较小的《挣脱:十三号站点》。后者文本体量不大,仅有大概15万字的样子吧好像。虽然如此,毕竟是本人以工作室名义出道后的第三个项目,好歹掰扯两句吧。 如题所述,这个项目其实不涉及什么本地化叙事设计级的复杂操作,所以没有太多可说的。正文开始前就先凑点废话打打广告吧。 1、“ ...