It was the first mass-produced hand-held camera, launched in Germany in 1925: it introduced the 35mm format and invented ...
The street of New York was the first photo to emerge from the UR-Leica, the inarguable origin point for portable photography devices. It all makes sense, if you dot the timeline, to where we have ...
The chairman of the company's Supervisory Board shares Leica's milestones and vision for the future, reflecting on how it continues to inspire the next generation of photographers ...
在1913年,德国工程师奥斯卡·巴纳克设计出首款135画幅相机,即后来所说的全画幅相机Ur-Leica,到了1924年徕卡量产135画幅相机,即Leica I,至今已超过 ...