在2025年东京汽车沙龙上,斯巴鲁品牌带来了一款令车迷们热血沸腾的高性能车型——WRX S210 STI完全版原型车。这款限量版车型计划于明年春季正式上市,预计仅生产500台,且可能仅在日本市场发售。凭借其卓越的性能和独特配置,WRX S210 ...
斯巴鲁汽车近日在日本东京汽车沙龙上震撼发布了其WRX STI S210特别版车型,这一车型不仅预示着斯巴鲁性能车型的全新高度,更是被官方赞誉为“STI整车的巅峰之作”。据悉,这款限量版车型将仅推出500台,供全球车迷抢购,预计在今年一季度正式上市。 斯巴鲁WRX STI ...
It's free, simple and secure. However, the price varies depending on whether you opt for the WRX, the high-performance WRX STI variant or the base model Impreza. Drivers can save an average of 46% on ...
In some cases, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cause no noticeable symptoms. When they do occur, STI symptoms in males can include discharge, bleeding, painful blisters, and more.