Romance is complicated. The idea of a soulmate needlessly simplifies it. I don't like the concept of soulmates, and if love ...
But most African cities are failing to keep pace. Housing and services are inadequate. Public transport is haphazard and ...
You can't really be effective in leading others until you develop the art and practice of leading yourself. Here's some expert advice.
The flood of words is one of the most visible — or audible — shifts from Biden to Trump, who craves the spotlight and understands better than most politicians that attention is a form of power. He’s ...
1. Lovingreading or loving-reading (a double verb, conjugated as transitive, where what one loves-reads is someone or something, Lysias or the book). 2. Loving reading (in which case, it is reading ...
The epic of Sunjata Keita has become heritage of the entire African continent ...
Decoding Musical Taste Of the myriad topics I get to consider in my obsessive research into the alchemy of our musical taste, the most fascinating is also the most rewarding: how our love of music can ...
How does the tradition of Western political thought evolve from Locke’s idea of state to Marx’s vision of the state withering ...
In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus seems to come down on the side of the broadest possible application of the love ethic. And by emphasizing a particular type of love – the gut-wrenching kind – ...
Mark’s Do-Nut Shop has this power over me. If, in the crinkly hours of the day while still in bed, the thought of the North ...
In the end we got flavours of both, with an uneven but ambitious set that was arguably the most esoteric in the Super Bowl’s ...
The world cannot heal unless the feminine is reinstated as an equal force—one that nurtures, leads, and co-creates a peaceful ...