"Cool" white lights—such as those in modern car headlights—endanger moths by causing them to fly erratically, new research shows. The findings are published in the journal Biology Letters.
A hummingbird moth can easily be mistaken for a hummingbird because it looks and acts similar. Learn what makes these sphinx ...
While we sleep, dozens of species of moths fly around, attracted to light and looking for mates. If you live in or near lots of trees, your chances of getting more different kinds of moths ...
The moth can produce 4g of thrust, and they’ve shown it capable of staying aloft once launched with a small catapult. Since they’ve proven that it can at least fly, the next steps are to ...
Some moths fly during the day and others at night while ... Their preferred nectar is from white flowers, especially white nicotiana, but they also feed on California fuchsia (Zauschneria ...