Rockstar Games 正式宣布《 侠盗猎车手 Grand Theft Auto 6 》将于 2025 年秋季强势回归,但仅登陆 PlayStation 5 和 Xbox Series X|S,这意味着 PC 玩家将成这场游戏盛宴的唯一缺席者。
With the rumored marketing deal between Rockstar Games and Sony, we hope GTA 6 doesn't comimit the mistake that Black Myth: ...
据多方消息汇总,知名财经杂志福布斯推测,《侠盗猎车手5》(GTA 5)乃至其续作《侠盗猎车手6》(GTA 6)或将亮相于任天堂即将推出的Switch 2平台上。然而,关于《GTA 6》是否会在个人电脑(PC)平台上首发,情况似乎并不乐观。
With GTA 6 slated for a Fall 2025 release, it looks like PC players are going to have to wait a little bit longer.
When is GTA 6 coming out? Given how many years it takes to create open worlds of the same caliber as GTA 5, it’s no surprise that Rockstar Games has already spent years developing GTA 6.
"We believe that if we do that right, and we focus on delivering for consumers, that's our best opportunity to succeed" ...
However, with GTA 6, Rockstar could put out the PC version sooner rather than later. With GTA 5, the PC release was delayed for additional development time. But the studio released the PC version of ...
在1月29日的节目中,约克提到《GTA 6》在主机上的帧率可能仅为30FPS。此消息一出,立即让玩家们炸开了锅,纷纷在社交平台上发声表达不满与失望。作为一款开放世界游戏,《GTA 6》的画面表现和流畅性至关重要,30FPS显然无法满足现代玩家对游戏性能的期待。
While GTA 6 Online will no doubt keep Rockstar Games very busy, as well as general GTA 6 support, the studio will eventually pivot to something else. And it will have a lot of choices. It could go ...
据IGN的最新采访,Take-Two的总裁Strauss Zelnick表示,虽然《文明7》同时在多个平台上发布,但《GTA6》(Grand Theft Auto ...
GTA 6 still hasn't been confirmed for PC, but Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick has seemingly teased that it eventually will.
Take-Two Interactive CEO addresses GTA 6 skipping PC at launch and shares a confident outlook on the current console ...