Apple has released the iOS 18.3 system update along with a warning to install it immediately because it remedies vulnerabilities that are being exploited by cybercriminals.
The rumor started most likely thanks to the iPhone X, which marked the tenth anniversary of the iPhone. With this release, Apple reshaped what an iPhone looked like and elevated it to a higher level.
Ryan White with The Shotcallers and Shanna Thorpe with USA Health joined Studio 10 with details of the Doc Rock event. The Gulf Coast Card Show is back! Nathan Carraway and Richard Cobb from Big ...
A SPECIAL note from Apple reveals why your iPhone's battery life might suddenly seem so bad. It's a familiar problem: your iPhone is working just fine one day, and is struggling with charge the next.
A good option if you want to skip out on the pricey unlimited plans is to trade in an old device at Apple itself, which is the sole retailer for unlocked iPhone deals. If you're not looking to ...
(It hasn't used aluminium for a premium iPhone since the iPhone X in 2017.) As such, this rumour has been met with some skepticism. The iPhone 17's battery could be easier to remove, thanks to a ...
There's nothing set in stone about the iPhone Flip right now, but the volume of rumors we've heard make it clear that it's something Apple wants to make. But Apple seems to be quietly working on a ...