When trying these new habits, choose just one or two to start and add more as they become routine. Overwhelming kids with a long to-do list may cause stress and they're not likely to stick with it.
Is it OK to Get My Teeth Bleached During Pregnancy? Maybe. Few good studies have been done on teeth bleaching products that say for sure whether they're safe to use during pregnancy. Some makers of ...
Earaches are common in kids and can have many causes. Here’s why they happen and what to do when your child complains of ear pain. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed to ease pain (check the ...
El angioedema hereditario es un trastorno genético poco frecuente del sistema inmunitario que causa episodios de hinchazón, sobre todo en las manos, los pies, la cara y las vías respiratorias. Cuando ...
A lot of changes happen as you grow up, especially as you reach puberty (say: PYOO-bur-tee). This is the time when your body begins to develop and change. During puberty, there isn't just one event or ...
What Is a Staph Infection? Staph is the shortened name for Staphylococcus (staf-uh-low-KAH-kus), a type of bacteria. These bacteria live harmlessly on many skin surfaces, especially around the nose, ...
Pinworms are tiny worms that can cause an infection in the intestines. Pinworm infections affects millions of people each year, especially school-age kids If your child develops a pinworm infection, ...
Sugar substitutes are artificial (fake) sweeteners. Some food makers use sugar substitutes in place of sugar to make foods and drinks taste sweet. These sweeteners don’t have nutrients to help kids ...
This is a general outline of the milestones on the road to reading success. Keep in mind that kids develop at different paces and spend varying amounts of time at each stage. If you have concerns, ...
Girls have lots of questions about the body changes of puberty. When will my breasts grow? What's the "normal" age to get your first period? Watch this video and find out!
Testing a stool sample can help doctors find out what's going on when someone has a problem in the stomach, intestines, rectum, or other part of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Stool tests often ...
Baths do more than keep your baby clean. They also give you a chance to bond. With a little planning and practice, both you and your baby will look forward to bath time. Here are the basics about ...