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Hie-jinja Shrine has a history of more than 600 years. The Sanno Festival, one of the three biggest Japanese festivals, is held in June. Hie Shrine is a prestigious shrine which had received offerings ...
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
Would you like to experience "Izakaya Restaurants" when you visit Fukuoka?1 popular "Izakaya Restaurants" to experience in Fukuoka are available for reservation right now. Some experiences are ...
Chikurin-no-Michi is a magical space filled with the fresh scent of bamboo and lush greenery, embodying the beauty of Arashiyama. It has appeared in a number of movies and TV series. The best times to ...
Check with our partner site as the latest rates, rate details, and guest room requirements may vary. Snow Resort Hermitage is set in Asahikawa, 7.5 km from Asahikawa Yojo Station, 7.9 km from ...
保留着江户时代风貌的贵重文化财产。由于大量使用金箔,因其富丽堂皇的景象,也被称为“金色殿”,是极受瞩目的神殿。 设施说明 位于上野公园内的上野东照宫,保留着色彩鲜浓的江户时代风貌,是重要的文化财产。该神社于1627年为了祭祀德川家康所建造。
Winter has come to Japan, and so has a new line-up of exciting time-limited products! Every year, Japan greets winter with a selection of warm, seasonally flavored beverages like yuzu tea and hot ...
息をのむような四季折々の景色 -鮮やかな紅葉が広がる秋から、冬の魔法のような雪山まで、長野は自然の美しさが詰まった宝庫である。日本中を車で巡った経験を持つベテラン旅行ライターのヒデが、長野の魅力を余すところなく堪能できる二日間の ...