This session offers simple ways to improve the accessibility of your CourseWorks site for all your students. Learn how to use the Ally accessibility checker, to improve the accessibility of your ...
I. Mitevski, S.H. Lee, G. Vecchi, C. Orbe and L.M. Polvani: More Positive and Less Variable North Atlantic Oscillation at High CO2 forcing Y. Dong, L.M. Polvani, Y.-T ...
In the course of her career, Vidya Dehejia has combined research with teaching and exhibition-related activities around the world. Extensive field travel in South Asia, with visits to sites of ...
The stock market can be overwhelming for retail investors. Besides thousands of listed stocks in the US, there is a wide selection of publicly traded companies in other countries to choose from. Each ...
저는 2008년 6월 1일부로 앞으로 1년간 “컬럼비아대학교 대학원 한인학생회” (이하 KGSA) 회장을 맡게 된 이상협 입니다. 올해로 42년째를 맞이하는 컬럼비아대학교 KGSA는, 8개의 아이비리그 대학교 한인학생회 중 가장 오래된 역사와 전통을 자랑하는 한인학생회 ...
In 1868 the Tokugawa shōgun ("great general"), who ruled Japan in the feudal period, lost his power and the emperor was restored to the supreme position. The emperor took the name Meiji ("enlightened ...
So I'm sitting in the third row at the Brecht Forum last Thursday night waiting for Michael Yates to begin his talk on his new book "Why Unions Matter" and guess who I run into? None other than Red ...
In "Sin Dejar Huella" (Without A Trace), we meet one of the two female protagonists crossing the border from Arizona back into Mexico. The beautiful "Marilu" has just returned from her latest foray ...
The primary effect of the Aral Sea desiccation has been the significant loss of water in the sea. The water level has dropped approximately 23 meters since the onset of its primary sources of water ...
The program's instructional staff is composed of experienced computer and information technology professionals with extensive backgrounds in the corporate and private sectors. Computer teaching ...
Columbia’s Department of Classics is the center of an exceptionally strong array of faculty specializing in antiquity; to its core faculty in Greek and Latin languages and literature, it adds those in ...