Go back to Part I and Part II of this series of articles. This Coral derived cabinet has fascinated me from the outset and when a pair of Goodmans Twin Axioms came my way I started on yet another ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
It's long been the case that the considered Holy Grail for vinyl replay is the ubiquitous Moving Coil Cartridge and it is often suggested that one should head off down the MC route as soon as funds ...
“Una volta che ci si è lasciati alle spalle la dinamica anemica tipica dei monkey coffins [1], ci si trova di fronte ad una nuova audace sfida che ben pochi costruttori Americani sono stati in grado ...
I auditioned a number of CD-Players, before buying my CD-67 SE. I felt that of all the CD-Players in question (which shall remain unnamed) it offered the most music for the money. Having lived with ...
Atacama is a well-established British Company which specializes in stands, HiFi racks, spikes and HiFi furniture in general. Every audiophile worth his weight in spikes knows that audio accessories ...
Availability: directly from L C audio or through distributors (check LC Audio price list) Price [directly from L C Audio]: LClock XO around 120$, dedicated power supply around 27$, Hyperkit ...
The KC1 is one of the cheapest interconnects of the Kimber catalogue, the PBJ being the entry-level. Its list price, here in Italy (your mileage may vary), for a standard 1+1 meter pair with some nice ...
Stimolato da alcune lettere ricevute in queste ultime settimane sulla nostra Rubrica della Posta mi sono finalmente deciso ad affrontare una questione sulla quale mi ripromettevo di scrivere un po' da ...
Tube design is a very good choice for DIY pre-amplifiers, as it can give good results with a limited effort, especially in design, even though it is not all that easy to achieve optimum results. The ...
The High-End Audio headquarters were again held this year at the Alexis Park Resort, one mile East of the Las Vegas strip. With hundreds of companies displaying products, I'm going to highlight those ...
Davis Acoustic from France have put their 8 inch fullrange drivers in cabinets and filled a whole room with music. I liked the sound very much. This fullrange has a very neutral sound, there is no ...