Building costs in Bulgaria - Bulgaria forum - Expat.com
2024年2月14日 · im having a local builder out to quote me next month to stage by stage renovate my little house. i have a small 3 bed and a 2 roomed houses to connect to the electric and water (supply in thereish. as in 1 tap in the 2 roomed outbuilding im very loosely calling the cottage).
Guidance related to Tamam unpaid loan - Expat.com
2024年1月9日 · hi. sad to say but you have to pay the remaining amount before you can use your bank account. you have to settle the case and pay the judicial amount and that's the only time you can make any bank transactions related to your account. the amount that's being held from your account will automatically be back to your bank acct once you have settled the case
Dating a Vietnamese girl - Vietnam forum - Expat.com
2018年10月24日 · Well, I’m about to embark on trip number 6 to Vietnam since February of this year to see a girl (girlfriend)! It’s been a rocky 9 months being in love with a woman from a different culture, who lives on the other side of the planet and barely speaks English (I can say, hello, thank you, and I love you in Vietnamese).
I have scar in my lungs but i pass the medical in dubai.
2020年5月10日 · Way back 2017 i was 3 years working in dubai ive got tested positive in PTB,all test done at dubai until i get treated,my doctor in dubai ask me if i want to back in the philippines for treatment or shall i get the treatment in dubai but i choose to go home for treatment,i get an emergency leave for 2 mos for the treatment here in the philippines,after 2 mos.i came back to …
Hyphenated name in e-visa application - Vietnam forum - Expat.com
2023年8月31日 · Does anyone have experience with this? If there are any local agencies that can help with this, I am willing to throw money at it to get a visa asap. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks -@kayteeinthebay. Hello kayteeinthebay, and welcome to expat.com. How is your name spelt on the ICAO line of your passport? (bottom of passport info page)
ICAO line doesn't contain my full name - Expat.com
2024年3月11日 · @taurealist. The member did enter their name, exactly as it appeared on their passport, and it was rejected.. The correct format to follow when submitting one's name on the VN eVisa application is to enter it only as it appears on the bottom of the passport information page (the ICAO line).
Tennis lessons and practice - Riyadh forum - Expat.com
2019年4月14日 · I am back to Riyadh, and am very interested to play again.. My USTA IS 4.0, if anyone is interested to play please send a WhatsApp msg on 0558879563 and i will respond ASAP. P.S. i am open to go anywhere to play
Importing a motorcycle to Malaysia - Malaysia forum - Expat.com
2019年3月12日 · Hey mate, sorry for reactivating an old thread. Your previous comment got edited by the moderators. I would like to import an s1000rr which I have owned for more that a year in Australia into Malaysia and leave it there for private personal use.
Driving in the Dominican Republic - Expat.com
2024年4月29日 · Driving in the Dominican Republic is not like driving anywhere else. The Dominican Republic holds the fourth position among Caribbean and Latin American countries, where a significant number of accidents unfortunately result in numerous fatalities, but that does not mean you should not drive there, as long as you take the necessary precautions.
Job offers in Guangzhou - Expat.com
Guangzhou – formerly known as Canton – is the capital of Guangdong province. It's the country's third largest city (after Shanghai and Beijing) and a favorite among expats due to its booming economy and abundance of amenities.