Clown Loach Swollen stomach - Loaches Online Forum
2009年1月12日 · Hi there, i'm a newbie to this forum. I was wondering if someone can help me as I have 2 clown loaches, i've had them for about 2 1/2 years but i've noticed that one of them has a large\swollen stomach (like the one in the youtube link below), he\she is still eating, I normally place a cucumber in the tank in one day and sinking tablet the following day.
Clown Loach proof plants? - Loaches Online Forum
2012年3月30日 · Clown loach safe plants? Hi all! I have recently added a Clown Loach, ~6”, to my previously very well planted tank. While my other Clowns were very well behaved, never uprooting or nibbling on my plants, this particular Guy seems to have a hatred for all things green and an intense desire to kill. (Plants.)
Best substrate for Clown Loaches? - Loaches Online Forum
2008年10月23日 · IMO, Clown Loach color (light vs dark) has more to do with their emotional responses. Temperament - aggressive (lighter) vs passive (darker) Feeding - competing for food (lighter) vs foraging at own pace (darker) Position in hierarchy - insecure (lighter) vs …
Help....white patches, not ich, on Clowns - Loaches Online Forum
2017年12月14日 · A total newbie here, but a clown loach aficionado for many years. In about the last year some of my loaches have popped up with this weird kind of white patch stuff over their backs and sides. It seems to just be on their slime coat...
Lonely Clown Loach (small tank) - Loaches Online Forum
2006年11月22日 · There is 1 Clown Loach in the 30 x 12 x 15 tank. I read up on Clown Loaches and found out they are very social fish and get irritable and aggressive when kept alone (which mine certainly seems to be on occasion - he's definately the alpha-fish of the tank!).
Black dots on clown Loaches - Loaches Online Forum
2025年2月6日 · I'm thinking if a clown loach is wedged between some slate and gravel, the jagged edges from the gravel can press into the body leaving an impression. If their are other clowns piling on, the clown at the bottom of the pile gets a prolonged gravel impression that turns into a bruise, and the bruise turns into black spot. Here's a pic of my gravel.-
Clown Loach Growth Rate - Loaches Online Forum
2008年12月4日 · Hi Colin, welcome to Loaches Online. There are so many factors that affect the growth rate of clown loaches, from size of tank they are kept in from young, water quality, feedings/quality of diet etc. Clown loaches are very easily stunted by being placed into
clown loach behaviour - Loaches Online Forum
2008年1月6日 · My brother has 2 clown loaches who normally get on well with each other. He has just informed me that he has seen them swinmming towards each other and placing their mouths together. He wonders why they are doing this. I have not seen it for myself but it seems to be some sort of dominance behaviour.
Neon Tetras with Clown Loach - Loaches Online Forum
2008年10月2日 · Yes, clown loach (singular). I tried to get 8 more CLs, successfully QTd them. I was actually able to grow them on from 1.5 to about 3". Then got 3 more and just added them to the 65 where the 8 juvie CLS were - BIG MISTAKE! ICH got them all.
aquarium salt and clown loaches - Loaches Online Forum
2006年1月24日 · I started using salt in my tank with clown loaches as a treatment for ich along with formalin/malachite green. I started using 1tbsp per 5 gallons now with every water change, and I have not encountered any problems. I have used salt in quarantine tanks with clown loaches and haven't had a problem there either.