is Bloodhound a girl? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
Looks like girl, sounds like a girl, voiced by a girl, legends like Bangalore refer to bloodhound as a girl, several different languages in the game refer to bloodhound as a girl. She is a girl. Change my mind.
Is Bloodhound a girl or a guy? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2019年2月8日 · I understand the voice actor is a girl but it seems like the pitched it down to sound like a dude. But the fact that the voice actor is a female isn’t really an argument since females have voice acted makes in the past (ie. bart simpson, young …
Is Bloodhound a Boy or a Girl - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Bloodhound’s unparalleled tracking skills are a boon to any team they join, helping them root out hidden opponents and tracking the enemy’s movements. Calling on Earth’s Old Norse Gods to guide them, Bloodhound believes that destiny is a path that has already been laid out, eventually carrying all to their death.
So, is bloodhound a girl? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2020年4月2日 · And Bloodhound's appearance is extremely unisexual. But if we assume that Bloodhound had completely normal development and at the time of the event Bloodhound went through puberty then yes. Bloodhound is biologically a girl.
is bloodhound a men or a woman : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2020年12月4日 · hello im main bloodhound and i dont know if he is a men or a woman in the skin menu the names are in femenin(i have the game spanish) but when he speaks about himself he does it in masculin Share Add a Comment
Why are people confused on bloodhounds gender? : …
You're basically correct. Bloodhound originally, as seen in said trailer, IS a female with a accent. I don't give a fuck what people think or say otherwise, they're non-binary, yes, but their original gender is female, but people say blood is a male cause of their voice sounding like one due to the mask they wear cause of their lungs being frozen, so it's a voice modifier cause of it, similar ...
What gender is Bloodhound? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
This makes classifying Bloodhound using the traditional male and female genders difficult. The authors of the biography used the pronoun "they" because it is commonly used to talk about such people without being cisnormative.
Is Bloodhound a Boy or a Girl - Page 2 - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Bloodhound as an adult also has very masculine energy as stated above, but i am eering towards bloodhound actually being female in origin after watching the lore. Perhaps the male vibe comes from the fact bloodhound was raised and trained by hunters, who seemed to be predominantly male if that video clip was anything to go by.
Is Bloodhound Male or Female? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
2020年5月18日 · You’re both right, assuming your brother is arguing in good faith. “The Old Ways” short hints at the possibility that Bloodhound may be biologically female, though the evidence is fleeting and still leaves the question unanswered, IMHO. Up until then, however, all lore demonstrated that they neither identify nor present as man or woman, and the short …
Is bloodhound a female I was watching the show and he sounds
2020年4月7日 · I really think bloodhounds a chick like I’m positive I was watching trials and bloodhound is young but sounds like a chick I know that most kids sound like a girls but bloodhound sounds very much like a female.