What Mandates Do To Our Insurance - Publius Forum
2009年9月21日 · It might seem as if you are doing business with a private company. Your premiums and bills will be handled by your own insurance company, certainly. But, in truth, the whole industry will be run out of Washington and the individual insurance companies by subsidiaries of the federal government.
Stream Of Consciousness Observations Regarding The 2012 State …
2012年2月9日 · -By Frederick Meekins. Obama insists he doesn’t want our energy needs linked to unstable parts of the world. Service to do anything about the Occupy beatniks laying siege to a number of parks in Washington,
It’s All Hillary’s Fault - Publius Forum
2011年2月26日 · Search for then press enter Type your search keyword, and press enter to search
Pelosi: Boeing Plant Should Unionize or be Shut Down
2011年11月1日 · -By Warner Todd Huston. The now thankfully former Speaker of the House Nancy “San Fran Nan” Pelosi said in a recent interview that a Boeing plant in South Carolina should either unionize or be shut down by the iron fist of government.
Moscow Show Trials Redux - Publius Forum
2010年2月28日 · -By Thomas E. Brewton. Obama’s shameful campaign to criminalize officials in the Bush administration is reminiscent of Stalin’s purges of his opponents in 1936-38.
How To Tell If You're a Conservative - Publius Forum
2010年9月30日 · -By Nancy Morgan. For too long, conservatives have allowed the left to define them. With more Americans becoming disillusioned with Obama, it’s time to counter the media’s portrayal of conservatives as radical, illegitimate extremists, concerned only with amassing wealth and kicking gays.
Suicide as Western Nations Allow Themselves to be Taken Over by …
2016年10月31日 · Search for then press enter Type your search keyword, and press enter to search
What, Mr. President? The Private Sector is ‘Doing Fine’??
2012年6月10日 · Transcript. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: “The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government.”
State Sponsored Thievery Continues in Plain Sight
2012年1月7日 · Search for then press enter Type your search keyword, and press enter to search
Love Thy Neighbor - Publius Forum
2011年4月3日 · -By Thomas E. Brewton. It doesn’t mean wife-swapping, marital infidelity, or sexual promiscuity. In today’s sermon at the Cohocton (NY) Assembly of God church, Pastor Dan Gardner’s text was Roman 13:8-10: