Vairocana - Wikipedia
Vairocana (from Sanskrit: Vi+rocana, "from the sun" or "belonging to the sun", "Solar", or "Shining"), also known as Mahāvairocana (Great Vairocana), is a major Buddha from Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. [1] Vairocana is often interpreted, in texts like the Avatamsaka Sutra, as the Dharmakāya [2] [3] [4] of the historical Gautama Buddha.
毗卢遮那佛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
毘盧遮那佛(梵語: वैरोचन ,羅馬化: Vairocana ;巴利語: Verocana ),「毘」亦作「毗」字,又稱為大毘盧遮那佛或摩訶毘盧遮那佛(梵語: Mahā-vairocana ),義爲“太阳”或“光明遍照”,意譯大日如來或大日覺王 [1] [2] 。
大日如来(梵音名:Mahāvairocana),别名毗卢遮那佛、毗卢杂那佛、朗巴朗增佛,中国神话中藏传佛教密宗的最上根本尊佛,金、胎两部曼荼罗的主尊,密宗核心象征,代表宇宙实相本质与规律,被尊为无上存在,主宰密宗信仰体系,修行者终极追求目标,多结禅定印,结跏趺坐,着装样 …
Vairocana - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Vairocana (T. rnam par snang mdzad, རྣམ་པར་སྣང་མཛད་; C. dari rolai/piluzhena 大日如來/毘盧遮那), or Buddha Vairocana, is one of the major buddhas of East Asian Buddhism, where he is equated with the primordial buddha and the dharmakaya.
卢舍那佛 - 百度百科
毗卢遮那佛,梵音名号Maha^vairocana,汉译大日如来,是佛教密宗至高无上的本尊,是密宗最高阶层的佛,为佛教密宗所尊奉最高神明。 密宗所有佛和菩萨皆自大日如来所出,在金刚界和胎藏界的两部曼荼罗中,大日如来都是居于中央位置,他统率着全部佛和菩萨 ...
毗卢遮那佛 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月24日 · 毘卢遮那佛(梵语: वैरोचन ,罗马化: Vairocana ;巴利语: Verocana ),“毘”亦作“毗”字,又称为大毘卢遮那佛或摩诃毘卢遮那佛(梵语: Mahā-vairocana ),义为“太阳”或“光明遍照”,意译大日如来或大日觉王 [1] [2] 。
毗盧遮那佛 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
毘盧遮那佛(梵語: वैरोचन ,羅馬化: Vairocana ;巴利語: Verocana ),「毘」亦作「毗」字,又稱為大毘盧遮那佛或摩訶毘盧遮那佛(梵語: Mahā-vairocana ),義爲「太陽」或「光明遍照」,意譯大日如來或大日覺王 [1] [2] 。
Vairocana - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Vairocana is the Primordial Buddha in the Chinese schools of Tiantai, Hanmi Esoteric School and Hua-Yen Buddhism, also appearing in later schools including the Japanese Kegon and esoteric lineages of Tendai and Shingon.
毗卢遮那佛像 - 百度百科
毗卢遮那,为梵文vairocana的音译,意译为“光明遍照”、“大日”。 在藏传佛教中,毗卢遮那佛被视为大日如来,为金刚界五方如来之一。 这尊毗卢遮那佛像头戴呈花枝状的五叶冠,结智拳印,端坐于莲花座上。
Vairocana, the Universal Buddha - Learn Religions
2018年7月20日 · As a Dhyani or wisdom Buddha, Vairocana is associated with the color white -- all colors of light blended together -- and space, as well as the skandha of form. His symbol is the dharma wheel. He often is depicted with his hands in the dharmachakra mudra. When the Dhyani Buddhas are pictured together in a mandala, Vairocana is in the center ...
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