Symbol denoting "for at least one" - Mathematics Stack Exchange
As a lazy mathematician, I'm tired of having to write "for at least one". Similar to the $\forall$ (for all) symbol, does a symbol exist to denote "for at least one"? I've been abbreviating to f.a.l.o., but I was hoping for some more elegant notation.
Using the statement "at least" in propositional logic
I am studying for my exams and I am facing some issues with the "at least" statement in propositional logic. Mary wants to mix a magic potion. Here is the recipe. (1): You need at least one of the following ingredients: spider legs, eyes of a toad, magic mushrooms. (2): If you are using magic mushrooms, then you can not use the other two ...
Much less than, what does that mean? - Mathematics Stack …
2015年11月7日 · I am familiar that this symbol means much less than. ...but what exactly does "much less than" mean? (Or the corollary, $\gg$) On Wikipedia, the example they use is that $1\ll 9999999999$ But my thought on that is that $10^{10^{10^{11}}}\ll 10^{10^{10^{11}}}+9999999999$, based on the same logic. But I am confused because the …
statistics - Difference between "at least" and "more than" in ...
I have no idea where the "<" came from in the second case. Also, as I said before you can't really have your alternative hypothesis be "the drug is at least 90% effective", it can only be "the drug is more than 90% effective", because it makes no sense for the alternative hypothesis to overlap with the null hypothesis. $\endgroup$ –
discrete mathematics - How to write "There is at least 3" in logic ...
2016年1月9日 · No. However, there are plenty of symbols invented and generally accepted to simplify this. I am not a logician so I am not qualified to answer as to exactly which symbol would work and also be generally accepted. $\endgroup$ –
What's "the most right" symbol to use for "defined to be equal to"?
The most common one however is $ := $. The symbol $\equiv$ is usually used to denote a logical equivalence. The symbol $\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}=$ should just be exiled along with $\div$. Ultimately, the symbol you choose is a matter of personal preference. I personally use $:=$.
What are the common abbreviation for minimum in equations?
2017年5月9日 · The choice of symbol, depends mainly on the mathematics, physics, or programming discipline the equation is used in. Merrian-Webster defines minimum as "the least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible." For ordering, minimum means 'less than or equal to', which is symbolized in some/many mathematics disciplines as ≤. List A = [1 0 1 0 ...
Notation for the smallest number in a set?
Consider for example the natural numbers, which certainly have a least element. In the cases where $\min$ is not well-defined and $\inf$ would be more commonly used, one cannot really speak of the least element of a set, and so $\inf$ seems not applicable to …
What does this "double less than or equals to" sign mean?
2012年1月11日 · A symbol means whatever people make it mean. Historically, it is a glyph variant, and it has been encoded as a character primarily for compatibility reasons, see Unicode Standard, pages 491–492. According to the ISO 80000-2 standard, the character to …
How to represent the notion that "at least one event occured"
Perhaps this is a silly misunderstanding, but wouldn't the union symbol represent them both having occurred? Or is that: when we say "at least", we must consider the probability of one occurring, the other occurring, or both occurring, and so we ensure our safety by reaching for the least probably one, them both occurring, represents by the ...