Evidence of citizenship - Immigration and citizenship Website
An Australian citizenship certificate is an official document. It shows that a person is an Australian. You can get a certificate if you meet our requirements. We can reissue a certificate that is …
Evidence of citizenship and certificates Get a citizenship certificate
An Australian citizenship certificate is an official document. It shows that you are an Australian citizen. You can apply to get a certificate or replace one that has been lost, destroyed or …
Confirming Australian Citizenship - Immigration and citizenship …
If a person was born in Australia before 20 August 1986, they can provide one of the following documents to confirm their Australian citizenship: an Australian citizenship certificate; a current …
Become a citizen - Immigration and citizenship Website
You can become a citizen of Australia in different ways. You must meet our criteria before you apply.
(section 21(8) of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007). IMPORTANT : You cannot apply online if you want a fee exemption, you must use a paper application form.
Become an Australian citizen (by descent) Your parent was an …
You could be eligible for Australian citizenship by descent if you were born outside Australia and one (or both) of your parents at the time of your birth was also an Australian citizen at that time.
completed by an Australian citizen (or citizen of the child’s country of residence if applying from outside Australia) who has known the child for less than 12 months, is currently working in a …
Citizenship processing times - Immigration and citizenship Website
Australian citizenship by conferral; Australian citizenship by descent; Evidence of Australian citizenship. We update the information every month. Generally, we work on applications in the …
residence requirement for Australian citizenship. 1. If you were in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen during the 4 years immediately before making your application and it was as the result …
Evidence of citizenship and certificates Change a citizenship …
An Australian citizenship certificate is an official document. Tell us if your certificate is wrong or your name has changed. We can help you to fix it.