These exercises are designed to improve the movement in your hand. These exercises should be done gently and without force, but take your hand through as full a range of movement as …
Use your uninjured hand to help push the big knuckles down and the tips of the fingers in toward the palm. If all fingers are stiff, do each individually. Hold 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times to each …
Range of motion exercises for the hand are movements and stretches that straighten and bend the joints in the fingers, thumb, and wrist. These exercises help to improve movement, reduce …
This handout describes 6 exercises that will increase the function and coordination in your hands. Make a “tabletop” with your fingers: Keep your wrist and the end and middle joints of your …
Hand exercises for patients with arthritis - 3 - Stretches for patients with arthritis Do the exercises slowly and gently. You might expect to feelsome achiness after exercise but …
The following exercise program is worked out to involve every joint and muscle in your hands. IMPORTANT POINTS: Do at least 5 repetitions of each exercise 2 – 3 times daily. Perform …
Your hand has natural curves and does not lay completely flat. Do not try to push the affected hand into the table to completely flatten it. Make time each day to do your arm and hand …
TheraPutty® is a stretchy, silicon-based exercise material used by therapists for hand therapy. It is a good way to strengthen your hand after your or hand surgery or injury. It can be supplied …
These exercises are for use at home following instruction by a member of your healthcare team. When performed as directed, these exercises help increase the strength of the muscles and …