  1. Copilot 答案

    Indian Palm Squirrel Animal Facts - Funambulus …

    • The squirrel’s scientific name is Funambulus palmarum. Funambulus is Latin for the tightrope walker, which describes the squirrel’s agility. Palmarummeans that it is of palm trees. Another name for the squirrel is the … 展开

    List of Indian Palm Squirrel Sub-Species

    While there are over 40 different species of squirrels in India, and about 280 different species of squirrels in the entire world there are only four subspecies of Indian Palm Squirrels. These … 展开

    AZ Animals
    Evolution and Origins

    The earliest known fossilized squirrels that have been found to date are from the Eocene epoch. Among other living rodent families, the squirrels are most closely related to the mo… 展开

    AZ Animals
    Appearance and Behavior

    The squirrel is about 6 to 7.8 inches long, and its body is just a bit longer than its bushy tail. It has a gray-brown back with the diagnostic three stripes. Interestingly, these stripes ca… 展开

    AZ Animals