Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
2024年11月23日 · Visit the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka, located in suburban Tokyo. Experience the maze-like building, the fun of animation and discover the many fascinating and beautiful treasures created by Studio Ghibli.
Tickets - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
All admission to the Ghibli Museum is by advance reservation only. No reservation or ticket purchase can be made at the Museum.
三鷹の森ジブリ美術館の公式サイトです。『迷子になろうよ、いっしょに。』をキャッチコピーにした不思議な美術館です ...
Hours and Directions - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
To JR Mitaka Station, take the JR Chuo Line, approximately 20 minutes from JR Shinjuku Station. From the south exit of JR Mitaka Station, it's a 15-minute walk to the Museum.
チケットの購入方法 - 三鷹の森ジブリ美術館
チケットの予約は、ローチケwebサイト にて受け付けます。 (※ジブリ美術館窓口では販売していません。) チケットの受け取りは、以下のいずれかを選択できます。
Welcome! - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
Standing in front of a sign that says "Ghibli Museum, Mitaka", a very large Totoro welcomes you at the entrance. When you look through the portholes, soot-black Dust Bunnies are there as well. But this is not the real entrance.
Special Exhibitions - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
2023年11月18日 · Please take this opportunity to enjoy the various artworks of "The Boy and the Heron" in Ghibli Museum, Mitaka.
This Kind of Museum... - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
A museum based on a clear and consistent philosophy A museum where those seeking enjoyment can enjoy, those seeking to ponder can ponder, and those seeking to feel can feel
Films - Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
Films. The Saturn Theater is a small theater in the basement of the Museum with only about 80 seats. There you can watch a short animated film from Studio Ghibli. A blue sky and lots of ....
"Sketch, Flash, Spark!" ~ From the Ghibli Forest Sketchbook
2019年11月16日 · This exhibition will introduce the work behind the museum's creation with pictures and texts by director Hayao Miyazaki himself. The first room of this special exhibition showcases past special exhibitions that Miyazaki was involved in, starting with the first special exhibition "Spirited Away."