Modular design - Wikipedia
Modular design, or modularity in design, is a design principle that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules (such as modular process skids), which can be independently created, modified, replaced, or exchanged with other modules or between different systems.
Module | Energy Efficient Homes | Pittsburgh
Module is a design-build company that builds right-sized, energy efficient houses using prefab construction.
模組化設計 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
模組化設計(英語: modular design ),也称模块化设计,是門設計理論與實作方法,其旨在於將一個系統細分為許多小單元,稱為模組(module)或模块(block),可以獨立的於不同的系統中建立與使用。
What is a Modular Design? Everything You Want to Know in 8 …
2022年6月10日 · Modular design in software engineering works through a modular programming technique that separates the overall functionality of any software product into independent and interchangeable software modules.
Modular Architecture: When Beauty and Efficiency Meet
Modular architecture or “modularity in design” is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system is characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable and reusable modules, rigorous use of well-defined ...
Effective Modular Design in Software Engineering
2019年12月20日 · Thus every software design should follow modularity. The process of breaking down a software into multiple independent modules where each module is developed separately is called Modularization. Effective modular design can be achieved if the partitioned modules are separately solvable, modifiable as well as compilable.
Modular Design - Stanford University
Technique #1: if a particular task is invoked repeatedly, design an API around that task (even better, do it automatically, without having to be invoked). Technique #2: if a collection of tasks are not identical, look for common features shared by all …
Modularization encompasses a wide range, from preassembly to full modularization of significant systems, structures, and components. The modularization design process begins with a client approval to utilize modularization for the procurement and delivery of a project.
2016年1月3日 · Key Terms in Module Design Module – the basic building block of a programme of study leading to the award of a degree, diploma or certificate also known as a course, unit or subject. Aims – the teaching intention or purpose of the module and sometimes its context, for example, “the aim of this module is to
(PDF) Modular Design - ResearchGate
2018年3月18日 · Modular design refers to designing products by organizing sub-assemblies and components as distinct building blocks (i.e., modules) that can be integrated through...