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    Mycetozoa - Wikipedia

    • Mycetozoa is a polyphyletic grouping of slime molds. It was originally thought to be a monophyletic clade, but recently it was discovered that protostelia are a polyphyletic group within Conosa. 展开


    It can be divided into dictyostelid, myxogastrid, and protostelid groups.
    The mycetozoan groups all fit into the unikont 展开

    Utility in research

    The dictyostelids are used as examples of cell communication and differentiation, and may provide insights into how multicellular organisms develop.
    Physarum polycephalum are useful for studying … 展开


    Members of the Mycetozoa group are able to undergo sexual reproduction either by heterothallic or homothallic mating. An analysis of meiosis-related genes in the Dictyostelium discoideum genome revealed that 36 of the 44 … 展开