Virtual Oscilloscope | Academo.org - Free, interactive ...
An oscilloscope is a useful tool for anyone working with electrical signals because it provides a visual representation of the signal's shape, or waveform. This allows you to measure properties of the wave, such as amplitude or frequency.
Oscilloscope Art From Your Browser - Hackaday
2018年2月1日 · Oscilloscope art is a fascinating pursuit in which waveforms are generated for the X an Y channels of an oscilloscope to draw pictures on its screen.
How to Draw on an Oscilloscope With Arduino! - Instructables
In this instructable, I'll be showing you how I got mine to display simple vector graphics with only an arduino and some resistors! Last summer, I purchased an old analog oscilloscope. Nothing fancy, just the basics I needed to get familiar with using a scope.
Oscilloscope drawing for everyone | Alex Porto
Make a single-line SVG drawing, using Inkscape or some other drawing software; Use Rabiscoscopio do convert this drawing into an sound-wave file; Play this file using your computer, iPod or other sound device, connected to your oscilloscope set to XY mode. Make a picture of your oscilloscope drawing and send to me, please! :) So, check this ...
How I Make Oscilloscope Art — Steemit
An oscilloscope provides a visual representation of sound or electronic waves. Typically, you see a wave pattern running from left to right. A Heartbeat sound visualized on an oscilloscope
How to draw on the oscilloscope with Arduino - YouTube
2018年12月25日 · How to plot your draw on the oscilloscope using the X and Y mode and PWM signals from the Arduino and a small ... Just a short special video for this Christmas.
Draw Anything on Your Oscilloscope - Hackster.io
Draw Anything on Your Oscilloscope. Ever wanted to display any hand-drawn image on your fancy oscilloscope? Well, now you can!
How to draw simple 2d shapes on an oscilloscope - YouTube
2016年11月30日 · Hey I made this quick video to show you how you can make simple shapes on an oscilloscope using Serum or any vst that allows you to draw waveforms.