Best sealer for porcelain tiles | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
2008年7月15日 · Porcelain tile can most certainly be sealed but it isn't usually necessary. Porcelain tile only has an absorption rate of less than 1/2 of one percent so sealing it really isn't advisable in a lot of cases. Sealer WILL NOT adhere to wax....PERIOD. You may have to first "strip-off" whatever is there.
sealing concrete slab prior to laying tile | Contractor Talk ...
2008年2月27日 · The homeowner contacted the builder and the builder sent out a liscenecd crew to clean up the problem. The builder also wants to cover the whole slab with RedGard to seal it. Is this a good idea or should the slab be allowed to 'breath". And is RedGard an appropriate sealer for this application.
Tille over sealed concrete? | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
2008年1月24日 · This IS NOT what Schluter recommends. Schluter recommends the use of modified thinset under the DITRA. Attaching any tile product to sealed concrete is strongly advised against without first removing the sealer. The unmodified thinset would be the recommendation for use ON TOP of the DITRA when porcelain tile was used.
Cut 4" square hole for mixing valve. - Contractor Talk
2020年9月28日 · For the cut try drilling the 4 corners with a 3/8" diamond drill bit (not a hammer drill bit) first then connect the corners with the grinder. This can help relieve the tension in the tile first. Also a good mesh style blade works a lot better than a cheap box store continuous rim blade for hard porcelain. Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
Porcelain vs. Marble Tile - Contractor Talk
2012年12月19日 · It's not rocket surgery but you do have to understand how to tile....and I don't mean the mundane, child-like task of putting a tile into some kind of adhesive on the floor. Your minimum deflection ratio for the framing under the foyer should be L/720. And that's a minimum. There's no magical bag of thinset or enchanted fabric that's going to ...
How do i shine my ceramic tile? - Contractor Talk
2008年2月25日 · You may have a heck of a time getting a sealer to adhere to a glazed tile, whether it's ceramic or porcelain. Matt Cupan TileWorks: Bathroom remodeling & custom tile projects for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, southern New …
waterproofing slate | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction …
2007年11月25日 · A customer has a slate deck (16" tiles) and wants it to be highly durable and waterproof. I normally use a lacquer based sealer (miracle sealants 511 sealer).
Tile won't stick to thinset? | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
2015年6月20日 · Problem is as some have said, they drop tile on thinset, the slab has probably soaked up water leaving the top dry and unable to bond properly to tile, there are videos out on how to set "large" tile. Varying degrees of tile bonding to slab occurs, me, when ripping up I prefer thinset to bond to back of tile so grinding is a minimum.
Sealing Hardi joints | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction …
2010年2月24日 · I ripped off the tile, saw their was no mesh - problem found - taped, retiled and grouted. Now of course, I still use CBU, but, I cover it all in the orange koolaid stuff! Plus, I use Spectralock grout which has the same absorption rate as porcelain tile (less than 0.5%)
Porcelain tile | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
2014年10月17日 · Demo'd 175 ft. Tile dust free customer agreed to 4.00 sq ft, some extra cutting, took 3 hours, total was 760$, he acted surprised, do the math! He had 710 cash, I said that's fine. Kinda scares me that I work too fast and efficient for the money sometimes.