Roseola (Sixth Disease) Symptoms & Causes - Cleveland Clinic
2023年6月12日 · Roseola is a common, contagious viral infection that affects most babies and children before they turn 2. The main symptom is a sudden, high fever. This can cause febrile seizures (normally harmless) in some children. Roseola may cause serious complications in children with weakened immune systems. At-home care can help your child feel better.
Roseola - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic
2022年6月29日 · Roseola is a childhood illness caused by two strains of the herpes virus. Common signs of roseola are a fever and a rash on the trunk and neck. Other signs and symptoms of roseola may include: Your child could have a convulsion (febrile seizure) if the fever becomes high or spikes quickly.
Roseola (viral rash): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - DermNet
Roseola is characterised by high fever lasting for 3–5 days, runny nose, irritability and tiredness. As the fever subsides a rash may appear on the face and body. Roseola is also known by the names roseola infantum and exanthem subitum.
Roseola Infantum - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月4日 · Roseola infantum, also known as exanthema subitum or sixth disease, typically presents in children between six and 12 months of age; ninety percent of cases occur in children younger than two years. This condition is responsible for between 10 and 45 percent of febrile illness in infants.
Roseola - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Roseola is a contagious viral illness. It causes a high fever and then a rash that develops as the fever goes away. The disease is also called roseola infantum or sixth disease. What causes roseola in a child? Roseola is caused by a type of herpes virus. The virus can enter the body through the nose and mouth.
Roseola Infantum - Children's Health Issues - Merck Manual ...
Roseola infantum is caused by infection with human herpesvirus-6. Typical symptoms include high fever that begins suddenly and sometimes a rash that develops after the temperature returns to normal. The diagnosis is based on symptoms and the age of the child.
Roseola Infantum - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Roseola infantum is an infection of infants or very young children caused by human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) or, less commonly, HHV-7. The infection causes high fever and a rubelliform eruption that occurs during or after defervescence, but localizing symptoms or signs are absent.
Kids Health Info : Roseola infantum - The Royal Children's ...
Roseola infantum is a common, mild, viral infection that can cause a temperature and rash in babies and young children. It is caused by a virus from the herpes group, but it does not cause other herpes infections like cold sores. In the past, roseola was …