SCP-248 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · SCP-248-1 is a 1979 John Deere tractor in an extremely rusted state. Most of the engine is missing, apparently from a restoration that was never completed. The frame is also partially missing near the rear of the tractor where the driver would be positioned.
SCP-248-J - SCP Foundation
2023年7月15日 · SCP-248-J exhibits two behavioral states: active and inactive, the latter of which is characterized by docile behaviour and immobility. On every Friday at 17:05 GMT, SCP-248-J enters its active state, at which point it demanifests from its previous position and spontaneously reappears at Locus-248-J.
SCP-248-DE - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-248-DE describes a four-pronged dinner fork measuring 25 cm and weighing 43 g that consists of a stainless steel alloy and [REDACTED]. According to analyses, SCP-248-DE inhabits the feature to make almost any material edible, including liquids and some gases.
SCP-248 | 110% (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-248 is a 25-page booklet of stickers, each reading "110%" with a small pressed imprint of the words "The Factory" in the bottom right corner. SCP-248 was discovered at a small house in...
SCP-248 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: Object is an Emerson brand microwave oven. Object appears to function as an ordinary microwave oven in that it cooks food for a time set by the user. However tests reveal that the device does not cook using microwaves, but through some other unknown means.
SCP-248 - SCP基金会
SCP-248-1是一辆严重锈蚀的1979年产的John Deere牌拖拉机。 从没有完成的修复可以明显看出,发动机大部分都不存在了。 靠近驾驶员所在位置的拖拉机后部分的车架也部分缺失。 SCP-248的一张贴纸位于左轮后背附近。 将按键旋转至点火位置,SCP-248-1就开始启动并运转,就好像处于原始状态一样。 它的速度能够达到42km/h,比典型该具体型号的拖拉机的速度稍快一 …
SCP-248 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-248は、それぞれ"110%"と読めるステッカー (右下隅に小さな"ザ・ファクトリー"の刻印有り)が内封された25ページの小冊子です。 小冊子自体のサイズは縦7.5cm×横15cmです。 SCP-248の各ページにはステッカーが2枚ずつ、合計で50枚綴じられていますが、発見以前の出来事により49枚だけ残されています。 SCP-248はジョージア州 の小さな家屋から発見され …
Item #: SCP-248 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-248 are to be held in titanium boxes at Site- , and overseen by Foundation Staff at all times.
SCP-248 - 나무위키
2024年3月3日 · 현재까지 총 4건의 실험이 진행되었다. 고철이 될 것만 같은 트랙터에 248의 스티커를 붙이자 새것처럼 작동했다. 시속 42km까지 가속했으며 엔진 없이 작동 했다. 해당 트랙터는 SCP 248-1로 분류되었다. 이후 2,3차 실험을 거치고 해당 트랙터에 스티커를 붙이고 작동시켰는데 성능이 220%까지 상향 되었으나 36분후 트랙터가 붕괴된 것으로 보아 중복해서 붙이거나 지나친 …
SCP-248-KO - SCP International
Description: SCP-248-KO is a Tier-3 spiritual humanoid entity discovered in Florida on February 10, 1993. It has since been assigned to the Korea Command and transferred to Site-21K. SCP-248-KO is a Caucasian male in his 40s, dressed in a suit, with a sunken left eye.
- 某些结果已被删除