Trailer fail pics - Page 64 - WeldingWeb
Dec 28, 2016 · Thought maybe a trailer fail thread might be good. Saw both of these today within a few miles of each other just west of Memphis on I-40. The first has 3500 lb axles which might explain the sagging. 653861653871 The next is 2 3500 lb axles with 4" drop turned upside down and under the springs to get the trailer over the tires. LOL 653881653891
Trailer fail pics - Page 120 - WeldingWeb
Jul 12, 2019 · Thought maybe a trailer fail thread might be good. Saw both of these today within a few miles of each other just west of Memphis on I-40. The first has 3500 lb axles which might explain the sagging. 653861653871 The next is 2 3500 lb axles with 4" drop turned upside down and under the springs to get the trailer over the tires. LOL 653881653891
stiffening a flexible trailer. - WeldingWeb
Sep 26, 2015 · There is no way that trailer is safe for hauling a truck. There are no brakes on either axle so you are limited to 3 or 4,000 lbs total capacity. That is on top of the frame not being even close to strong enough for that. I thought if you wanted a light utility trailer you might get by, but no way for hauling a truck without a serious rebuild.
Trailer fail pics - Page 44 - weldingweb.com
Apr 28, 2016 · A couple of trailer fails: 1) 3,500 lb. spring fail on 2014 7,000 lb. tandem axle trailer. 2) Lightly used 14,000 lb. dump trailer rotting out. Everlast PowerPro 256, Everlast W300 Cooler, Everlast Cart 250
Converting a boat trailer to a utility trailer(Progress Pics)
Apr 28, 2009 · A trailer is NOT typically a starter/first project. A welding cart often is, because the scope/scale of the project is smaller and there is typically no (or minimal) chance of a weld/fabrication failure causing a fatality. Property damage to your own stuff if the cart fails and the machine falls and breaks, but not typically chances for fatalities.
Trailer brakes not working - WeldingWeb
Jan 20, 2021 · My trailer brakes stopped working on my dump truck. The green light on the controller is on, when the trailer is connected, but when you give the tabs a squeeze to test the brakes, the red light does not come on and the brakes have no effect.
Crossing square and rectangular steel tubes - WeldingWeb
Oct 25, 2023 · First trailer I built was bad. So strong and heavy it never did work. Now I am close to book learned engineers and in some cases better. I am a gauge heavier if concerned etc. Most trailer fails I have seen was done factory. We saw one on forums where they jump to blame the welder with the mig, was no such thing, tube a size too light as plain ...
Trailer fail pics [Archive] - Page 2 - WeldingWeb - Welding …
Thought maybe a trailer fail thread might be good. Saw both of these today within a few miles of each other just west of Memphis on I-40. The first has 3500 lb axles which might explain the sagging. 653861653871 The next is 2 3500 lb axles with 4" drop turned upside down and under the springs to get the trailer over the tires. LOL 653881653891
Vintage Camper Trailer Frame Reinforcing - WeldingWeb
Jul 1, 2012 · Second, the remaining paint on that trailer indicates to me that the section under the trailer is still decent. I'd leave that part of the frame alone and box the existing channel. If you really need to extend the tongue, I'd add a rectangular tube on the centreline, straight through the first cross channel and connect it to the second.
Bobcat Trailer Blueprints/Plans
Aug 12, 2015 · The most compelling reasons to buy rather than build are to buy a manufactured trailer is far cheaper in terms of cost plus valuable time, easier to document, has a warranty (when new) and the manufacturer is the deep pocket that gets sued if there is an injury-causing failure due to design, materials, and/or workmanship.