Vortex Viper 4-12x40 Scope Review | Long Range Hunting Forum
2013年12月9日 · Vortex Viper 4-12x40 Scope Review By Troy Adams Like most avid rifle hunters and gun aficionados, when it comes to certain equipment I can be very biased. The bias is formed through hands-on experience in the field. With that experience there are some things a guy just doesn't like to mess with once he has found a system that works.
Rifle Scopes - Vortex PST 2.5-10x44mm Review - Sniper's Hide
2010年2月5日 · I suck at this review stuff so I probably left a bunch of stuff out but I tried to cover as much as I could! I'm just an average guy who likes to shoot and hunt a lot and give my viewpoint in that manner. After much debate and talking to …
Vortex Viper model differences | Long Range Hunting Forum
2009年7月30日 · I have a 4-16 pst on my 308 and love it. But I'm looking for a scope for my 7RM and don't want the illuminated reticle and don't want an overly large profile size scope. I'm looking at the Viper PA 6.5-20x50. Would I notice a difference reliability wise …
Vortex Glass Quality Comparison? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2024年4月13日 · The lowest MSRP full-time scope I'll have on one of my precision rifles will be $1,499 (XTR-II 5-25x50 Illum.). That might sound like a scope snob thing to say, but I've been growing more displeased with Vortex over the last 5+ years as it is.
Rifle Scopes Experiences with Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10x44
2010年2月5日 · Hide Members, I am just looking for personal experiences, good or bad, with the Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10x44 rifle scope. I am looking to purchase a scope for one of my AR rifles. Please let me know your experiences with the piece of glass stated above. Thanks Rem5R
Problems with Vortex Viper HS-T flaring out/whiting out
2008年1月22日 · I have a Vortex Viper HS-T 4-16x44 that is flaring or whiting out when in low light. At around dusk dark when you look through the scope everything is white, you cannot see anything, target, deer, crosshairs, nothing. The only thing that helps is setting the magnification at 4x and moving your...
Vortex Viper 4-12x40 Scope Review By Troy Adams
2008年3月6日 · Every now and then though, I get pleasantly surprised and find a piece of equipment that exceeds my expectations, and even more rarely, something that far exceeds my expectations. Such would be the case with my Vortex Viper 4-12x40 rifle scope. Prior to testing this Vortex scope I knew very little about Vortex products.
Rifle Scopes - Vortex Viper 6.5-20x50mm review - Sniper's Hide
If you saw my other thread I made I first tried the Millett TRS-1, at anything above 14x the eye relief was horrid, your eye needed to be in an exact place or you couldnt see anything, and when you found the right spot it was still cloudy as all hell. What sealed the deal for me sending it …
Rifle Scopes - Vortex Viper PST CRS Zero Stop - Sniper's Hide
Sighted in my 6-24x50 PST SFP on my R700 AAC-SD (with regular scope mount not the 20moa kind). Once sighted-in, I decided to set the zero stop using the provided shims. Unlike what I saw in the video and manual, I had to use all of the provided shims (like 20 of …
Rifle Scopes Viper 5-25x50 HD - Sniper's Hide
2017年4月4日 · Received a new Vortex Viper 5-25x50 FFP scope a few days ago withMIL type reticule I am truly impressed by this scope: The optics are outstanding The 10mils per turn are great and clicks very distinct and secure The reticule is easy to use and not over done like some. No screen door effect with complicated background