What two primary colors make brown? - Answers
2024年10月27日 · Alot of colors make brown when mixed, but probably the easiest is to mix red with green. Varying the amount of each color will give you different shades of brown. Orange and green will be a more ...
What colors make brown? - Answers
2022年10月23日 · Mix equal proportions of red and green to make brown.If you want it more of a reddish hue such as "burnt sienna", then add more of the red.If you want it more of a darker brown hue, add more of ...
What two food colorings make brown? - Answers
The same amount of red and green make brown. That just makes the simple color brown. If you want a reddish brown use a little bit more red. If you want a darker brown use more green. If you want a ...
What does the two colors brown and blonde make when there …
2024年5月27日 · Red and brown mixed together often make a deep, earthy shade like maroon or burgundy. The exact resulting color can vary depending on the proportions of red to brown used in the mixture. Related ...
What two colors make tan besides white and brown? - Answers
2023年9月16日 · What two colors make brown out out of white red blue and yellow? white and yellow. What 2 colors make tan besides white and brown with clay? Ik use sahara and caramel (fimo) to make tan :p.
What colors do brown and tan make mixed together? - Answers
2024年12月7日 · If you want to make the brown color yourself mix 2 parts of one primary color (like red) and 1 part of each of the other two (blue and yellow). The more white you use the lighter the shade of tan ...
What two colors make tan? - Answers
2022年10月24日 · brown and white. Tags Painting and Watercolors Colors ... What two colors make tan? Updated: 10/24/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 15y ago. Study now. See answers (4) Best Answer. Copy. brown and white.
Which two colors make the color of bronze? - Answers
2024年5月22日 · What two colors mix together and make blue? Blue is a primary color, meaning no two colors can be mixed to make blue. Two primary colors can, however, make a new color.
What two colors make sand color? - Answers
2024年5月30日 · What two colors mix together and make blue? Blue is a primary color, meaning no two colors can be mixed to make blue. Two primary colors can, however, make a new color.
How do you make brown with clay? - Answers
2023年10月4日 · Any 2 colors that are compliments to each other (opposite on color wheel) should make a brown or neutral gray-brown...depending on percentage of each color. If you're talking about mixing polymer ...