ZERODUR® low thermal expansion glass-ceramic | SCHOTT
ZERODUR® glass-ceramic has been one of SCHOTT's most unique and extraordinary products for over 50 years. With an extremely low thermal expansion, it's essential for a large number of demanding high-tech applications requiring exceptional precision.
Zerodur - Wikipedia
Zerodur is a lithium-aluminosilicate glass-ceramic manufactured by Schott AG. Zerodur has a near zero coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and is used for high-precision applications in telescope optics, microlithography machines and inertial navigation systems.
Zerodur – Wikipedia
Zerodur (Schreibweise des Herstellers: ZERODUR®) ist ein glaskeramischer Werkstoff der Schott AG, der durch kontrollierte Volumenkristallisation hergestellt wird.
Technische Eigenschaften von ZERODUR® Glaskeramik | SCHOTT
ZERODUR® ist das Material der Wahl, wenn es um hervorragende thermische Eigenschaften und Präzision in Hightech-Anwendungen geht. Oft müssen diese Anwendungen auch bestimmten mechanischen Belastungen standhalten, wie z.B. dauerhaft bei Teleskopspiegelhaltern oder kurzzeitig beim Raketenstart.
Technical properties for ZERODUR® glass-ceramic | SCHOTT
ZERODUR® is the material of choice when it comes to excellent thermal properties and precision in high-tech applications. Often these applications also require to withstand certain mechanical loads, such as continuously as in telescope mirror holders or short-term during rocket launch.
Zerodur is a glass-ceramic material with an extremely low CTE ( α ~ 0.05 x 10 -6 ), but otherwise exhibits most of the properties of a mormal glass, with the exception of its transmittance.
Zerodur - Unique Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient
Zerodur® is a microcrystalline glass-ceramic with an ultra-low thermal expansion coefficient, ideal for high-precision applications. Developed by Schott GmbH, it combines crystalline and glass phases for exceptional dimensional stability, even under temperature fluctuations.
ZERODUR® is a zero expansion glass ceramic with extraordinary properties for demanding applications in which geometrical shape and distance changes must be kept as small as possible during changes in temperature.
ZERODUR® | Transparente Glaskeramik mit Nullausdehnung
Die ZERODUR ®-Glaskeramik von SCHOTT ist ein anorganischer, porenfreier Lithium-Aluminium-Siliziumoxid-Glas-Keramik-Werkstoff, welcher durch kontrollierte Volumenkristallisation hergestellt wird.
ZERODUR® are the extremely small coefficient of linear thermal expansion as well as the homogeneity of this coefficient throughout the entire piece. Individual pieces of ZERODUR® (discs, plates, rods) can be supplied with a mean coefficient of linear thermal expansion α in the temperature range 0°C to 50°C in three expansion classes as ...