The AAUP, along with the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education and other plaintiffs has filed a lawsuit to block Trump’s unlawful and unconstitutional DEI executive orders, which threaten academic freedom and access to higher …
2024 AAUP In the News | AAUP
“This is the first case that we’ve seen,” said Anita Levy, senior program officer at the AAUP, an organization that advocates for faculty rights and academic freedom and seeks to hold higher education institutions accountable when standards are violated.
Recognizing the Reality of Working College Students | AAUP
When academically qualified people do not have the financial resources needed to enroll and succeed in college, higher education fails to fulfill the promise of promoting social mobility—and may actually serve to reinforce social inequities. The cost of college attendance is rising faster than family incomes, and increases in federal, state, and institutional grants have been …
Eight Myths about Tenure | AAUP
Tenure—the right to continuous employment, which may be terminated only for adequate cause or under conditions of bona fide financial exigency or of a bona fide department or program discontinuance and only on the recommendation of an appropriate faculty committee—is arguably the most misunderstood and maligned principle in higher education today among both the …
Inquiry at Muhlenberg | AAUP
2024年9月26日 · The AAUP will conduct an inquiry into the case of Professor Maura Finkelstein, who was first summarily suspended from her tenured position at Muhlenberg College and then dismissed because of a student complaint regarding her extramural speech and conduct related to the war in Gaza. The dismissal raises serious concerns about academic freedom at …
A Prescription for Financing Higher Education | AAUP
Tens of millions of Americans across the country carrying $1.7 trillion in federal student loan debt are facing life-changing financial burdens in the aftermath of the June 2023 Supreme Court decision against debt relief. They aren’t taking it well.President Biden’s plan to cancel a big chunk of student debt—$400 billion—did not pass constitutional muster with the court’s ...
2 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Criteria for Faculty Evaluation Discrimination emphasizes that “[b]road representa- tion of faculty members—in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity—is essential to fulfill the promise of academic
Faculty Report Declining Academic Freedom | AAUP
2025年1月6日 · American Association of University Professors 555 New Jersey Ave NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-737-5900 [email protected]
Democratic Principles • Organizing brings people together to collectively determine the direction of their chapter. • The most basic building block for organizing is the one -on-one
About the AAUP
The mission of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is to advance academic freedom and shared governance; to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education; to promote the economic security of faculty, academic professionals, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and all those engaged in teaching and research in higher …