The Ultimate Sun/Shade Thread
2016年1月19日 · Plants are sorted by family tree to help avoid conflicts related to changes / dispute on genus / species names. I apologize in advance, there's a couple non-fruiters in there at the top. Note that plants will be more sun-sensitive in naturally sunny regions and more shade-sensitive in naturally shady regions. Without further ado, a first ...
Some recent pix from my humble backyard plants. - Tropical Fruit …
2012年5月20日 · Some recent pix from my humble backyard plants. « on: May 19, 2012, 07:08:24 PM » The atemoyas were excellent, first time I got fruits, very sweet, I like them just as much as cherimoya.
Winter Plans/First Arctic Blast - tropicalfruitforum.com
2013年12月3日 · 12z Euro Anomaly is the most extreme on morning of Friday, December 6. Very warm in SE, very cold in northern central USA.
Cherimoya/Pawpaw hybrid - Tropical Fruit Forum
2019年4月17日 · The fruit has growed to a big fruit in the meantime, I will upload a picture later. From the flowering Cherimoya I stored some pollen frozen in my fridge. In some days my Asiminia plants (I will take the varieties Sunflower or Prima1216 ) will start to bloom and than I will pollinate some flower with Cherimoya pollen and mark them.
Japan acid citruses - tropicalfruitforum.com
2019年9月17日 · "If you walk in the village, you will find a stone wall of a fence and an old narrow street. In the garden of a private house, you can see tropical plants and native citrus fruits (Kerajimikan ケラジミカン, Kuriha クリハー ( Kikikai Mikan 喜界島みかん ) , etc.) unique to the village of Hanara "
santol at Fairchild Gardens - Tropical Fruit Forum
2014年12月8日 · ~Jeff "Say you just can't live that negative way, if you know what I mean. Make way for the positive day." - Positive V
banana variety - tropicalfruitforum.com
2016年1月27日 · I was gifted a bunch of large banana plants and was told that they were Silver bananas and "some type of candy" banana I haven't seen anything on the Silver banana and couldn't find any info I the other either. One has a pink stalk , the other leaves fan out the top. What do I really have? She said they were "Specialty" bananas. Any info helps ...
Future Garcinia, Rollinia Forest
2016年8月10日 · Uh, I have over 900 trees planted, probably more than 1000. What I have noticed with stakes is they break first and in some cases break the tree.
The Yam Checklist: Starting a Backyard Dioscorea Germplasm …
2019年3月17日 · My D. dodecaneura arrived safe and sound, and I managed to separate out 7 plants and 10 tubers (2 small, 8 tiny). They were thoroughly pot-bound but healthy, and I noticed what seemed to be stolons from which the different plants and tubers sprouted. I've never seen a yam vine produce offsets by stolons so I find this highly curious.
Flying Fox Fruits Nursery
2014年6月2日 · Re: Flying Fox Fruits nursery, a source for rare seeds, scions, fruits, and plants « Reply #200 on: May 22, 2014, 07:11:24 PM » I ordered a Luc's Garcinia from Mr. Shafron and I got to tell you it was a great experience!