The MIT Reactor (MITR) is the major experimental facility of the NRL. It is a light-water cooled and moderated, heavy-water reflected, nuclear reactor that utilizes flat, finned, aluminum-clad …
The MIT Nuclear Research Reactor (MITR) serves the research purposes of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a tank-type 6 megawatt reactor [2] that is moderated and cooled …
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (MIT-NRL) is an interdepartmental center that operates a high performance 6 MW nuclear research reactor known as the MITR. It is the second largest …
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) operates a research reactor (MITR) that has been in service since 1958. The MITR has now completed its 60th year of operation (its 43rd since the …
The reactor, which is designated as the MITR-II, is the second of two research reactors that have been operated by the NRL. The original reactor (MITR-I) achieved criticality in 1958. In 1973, …
The NRL has one of the strongest nuclear materials and in-core research programs in the country, supporting studies in the areas of advanced nuclear fuel and materials which are necessary …
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) operates the MIT Reactor (MITR), a research reactor that has been in service since 1958. The current version of the reactor dates from 1975, …
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) operates a research reactor (MITR) that has been operational since 1958. The reactor has completed 60 years of operation (43 years