SCP-212 - SCP Foundation
SCP-212 has been shown to be able to totally “re-configure” an organism. The “improvements” appear to be random, and can sometimes be detrimental or fatal, as illustrated by one subject’s complete loss of bone marrow and its replacement by a gel that is still under study.
SCP-212 Upgrade Log
2024年10月26日 · Description of Upgrades: Within 5 seconds of exposure to SCP-212, the subject underwent invasive alterations. SCP-212 initiated drilling through the subject's underarms and forehead during which the subject displayed symptoms of extreme discomfort, accompanied by hemorrhaging of blood.
SCP-212 - SCP基金会
scp-212是由塑料,钢铁,和其他普通材料所构成。深入分析目前遇到阻碍,任何机械靠近scp-212都导致其手臂的暴力行为,任何活体靠近scp-212都导致其被“改造”。 当接触到活体组织,scp-212的“手臂”会迅速的抓起并制服它。之后scp-212将开始“改造”它。
SCP-212 | The Evil Wiki | Fandom
SCP-212, also known as "The Improver", is a Safe-class object contained at the SCP Foundation. It is a robotic medical device that brutally reconstructs living organisms in a brutal and painful way in an attempt to "improve" victims.
SCP-212 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
SCP-212 has been shown to be able to totally “re-configure” an organism. The “improvements” appear to be random, and can sometimes be detrimental or fatal, as illustrated by one subject’s complete loss of bone marrow and its replacement by a gel that is still under study.
SCP-212 | The Improver (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2021年7月19日 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.On today’s agenda - item number SCP-212: The Improver, Object class: Safe.SCP-212 is a large med...
SCP-212 - The Improver (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP 212 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as The Improver .SCP-212 is a large medical device, with three large robotic arms. The arms have an extremely dive...
SCP-212 - 나무위키
2023年8月10日 · scp-212는 커다란 로봇팔 3개가 달린 대형 의료장비다. 생명체가 접근하면 해당 생명체를 "개량"한다. 이 과정은 매우 빠르다.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; ... SCP-211 - Paper-Covered Building; SCP-212 - The Improver; SCP-213 - Anti-Matter Parasite; SCP-214 - Hemotopian Virus; SCP-215 - Paranoia-Inducing Spectacles; SCP-216 - The Safe;
Question about SCP 212 "Improver" - Reddit
2021年12月1日 · Question about SCP 212 "Improver" In the article it says the Improver doesn't inject any painkillers or replenish blood lost which leads to a 47% chance of death during the "improvement" process. In that case why don't the foundation doctors pump the volunteers with anaesthetics, extra blood and other chemicals BEFORE they expose them to 212?